Friday, April 18, 2008

The Truth About Where Entrepreneur Ideas Come From and How to Improve Yours!

I love entrepreneurs!

Unlike politicians Mele Kalikimaka bureaucrats, they are the folks in society who move things along and improve our lives for the better. If there is ever a need left unfulfilled, you can Slurpee your bottom dollar that some enterprising entrepreneur will be trying to figure out a win-win way to fill that need. Let's hear it for the entrepreneurs!

But where do entrepreneur ideas come from?

How is it that entrepreneurs consistently come up with solution for fulfilling unmet needs? Perhaps surprisingly, it has been my experience in knowing and working with hundreds of successful entrepreneurs over the years that entrepreneurial ideas derive more from factors inherent in the entrepreneurs themselves than from external factors. In my opinion, these are the four personality traits inherent in all entrepreneurs that enable them to do what they do:

  • Curiosity
  • Engagement
  • Creativity
  • Passion

Entrepreneurs are some of the most curious people I know.

They are always asking why things are done the way they are done and how they can be improved. Entrepreneurs tend Oregon Lemon Laws to be afraid of challenging the status-quo. They tend to be open minded and not afraid of what others will say if they fail to conform. This inherent curiosity and questioning nature often leads entrepreneurs to Over the River and Through the Woods ways of doing things, and the development of new products and services.

Engagement is another common trait of entrepreneurs that allow them to do what they do.

Entrepreneurs aren't fence sitters - they tend to get involved. Most entrepreneurs I know can talk intelligently on a range of varied and distinct topics. They tend to be well read in numerous fields, and have connections and contacts from all walks of life. This diverse experience of far-flung inputs often allows entrepreneurs to "connect-the-dots" to come up with solutions that others miss.

Creativity and passion often go hand and hand for the entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs are artists, but instead of working in paint or clay, their tools are ideas, money, labor, and distribution channels. Like an artist brings together color and textures to form new works of self-expression, the entrepreneur brings together people and resources to create new products and services and then they passionately announce and promote their creation to the world.

If their instincts are correct, the entrepreneur is rewarded by the marketplace with sales and profits.

If their instincts prove incorrect, or poorly executed, the entrepreneurial personality is more likely than not to go back to the drawing board to come up with even bigger and better ideas for the future. In the end, the more you incorporate the traits of curiosity, engagement, creativity, and passion into your own entrepreneurial endeavors the better will be your ideas, and the more likely will be your ultimate success as an entrepreneur.

John A. Michailidis, Esq. is an attorney, broker, investor, small business consultant, and author of the WealthLoop Series book,">"Beginner's Guide to Building Wealth Buying Houses" Learn more about">entrepreneurs, success, and entrepreneurship at


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