Sunday, April 20, 2008

Knowledge is Useless if No Action is Taken

Weve been taught over the years that knowledge is power. Power, achieved by action, can only be attained if you can think outside the box. Today, more and more Americans are overweight. On average, every American man, woman, and child takes 11 prescription drugs annually. Yet America ranks 37th in the world for health care, 41 for life expectancy, and 71 for overall health. Our medical system of disease care kills 483,000 annually.

So where is your outrage? Traditional medicine kills enough Americans to have a jumbo jet crash and kill everyone on board every day. So why I ask, are you apathetic to the reality that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result? Oh, this drug is different. Come on folks, WAKE UP AMERICA!

So who does have the power? Pharmaceutical companies who tout billion dollar profits each and every year at the expense of your family. The FDA for attempting to eliminate nutrition companies because of competition. The AMA for attempting to eliminate alternative health care professions.

When it comes to health, you, the American public has the power, but only if you use the knowledge thousands of other health professionals are attempting to pass onto you. The AMA stated in 2002 that it would be prudent for all Americans to take nutritional supplements.

So you run to Wal-Mart and Christmas Cards the cheapest, synthetic, Close Encounters non-plant sourced product available. You buy a product that does not meet Good Manufacturing Practices. You buy it assuming that the 200% of the RDA the product John Carter, Warlord of Mars is better than the one that only contains 100%. You buy it because of the name recognition, the color of the packaging, or the fact its made by a drug company.

Talk about an oxy moron! Do you really think drug companies are putting the best source of product available into their cheapest brand of product? If you do, let King of the Hill know as I have lake front property for you in China Lake where I live!

For over a year now I have been writing articles on e-zine educating the public on the hard cold facts of our disease care system. You can click on my name above and see a complete list of my articles to help you make informed decisions regarding your health. While it may seem my style of writing is somewhat confrontational, IT IS!

Im sick and tired of seeing patient after patient come into my office seeking my services as a chiropractor only to find them on 17 different drugs, overweight, taking no supplements that have any effect on their health, and then being told they are healthy. Or better yet, being told without their drugs they would die. What dont you understand that you are already dying and you dont even know it!

If you truly have a desire for wellness and you want to end to roller coaster ride you are on, I encourage you to do more than read this article. Read some of my articles. Do your own due diligence and research the nutritional information for yourself. Im confident that when you have done so with an open mind, thinking outside the box, you will come to the same conclusion thousands before you have. Its time for a change. At least with me youll get the hard cold facts.

If you are not supplementing your diet with glyconutrients, phytochemicals, plant sourced vitamins and minerals, probiotics, digestive enzymes, anti-oxidants, and immune support complexes, you WILL rot from the inside out. The time it takes is dependant on the quality and quantity of the supplements you take. One pill will never contain everything your body needs for optimal support.

For a comprehensive evaluation of 23 of the best known vitamins and mineral supplements on the market contact me. Proevity, a 3rd party company that teaches Continuing Education classes for ALL categories of doctors recently published a brochure that shows you, the public, what we doctors are being taught about vitamins and minerals. The result is the recommendations we make are based on science, not hype.

These classes are available to any MD,DO, DC, RN, DDS, Cheers in the country.

So when you want nutritional information go to the experts in nutrition, not drugs.

Dr. Tom has trained thousands in lifestyle improvements over the course of 9 years. As a Lifestyle Adjusting Coach Dr. Tom takes what you bring him and helps you to see the potential of your health and wealth. Dr. Tom can be contacted at or 760-446-1088. For information on weight loss go to: My blog is


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