Monday, June 2, 2008

People Just Don't Answer

Same old story. You sent buy settlement email mortgage loan rate comparison someone you thought would be interested to do your project and also would be interested for an additional client, but they didn't answer.

You blame the person on the other line but you need to understand there are things that hindered him from answering your email rapidly.

These are the following:

1. They spend hours sorting thru requests trying to send more info quickly. They are overwhelmed by the email messages they're receiving.

2. They spend even more hours entering prospects addresses into a database.

3. They're busy handling prospects call complaining they never received the information they requested.

4. They're trying to remember which prospect received which follow up letter.

5. Since they're doing it manually, they cannot accommodate hundreds of potential customers due to ineffective follow up and tracking.

Eventually, with fewer customers you lose profits and eventually lose your business.

How can we cope up with avalance of email messages thronging our inbox?

The answer is for you to have you're credit card relief autoresponder.

What is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a program that runs on a web server to automatically send a reply to the email address that sent mail to it. They are also often called infobots, autobots, automailers, and responders.

Now, let's talk about the importance of an autoresponder:

It's been known to marketing industry researchers that your average prospect need to be exposed to your messages is up to at least 7 times to become a motivated buyer!

That's called "rule of seven" which has been taught in business schools for years.

Did you put that "rule of seven" securely inside your head?

Statistics show that average conversion rate from visitors to buyers is less than 1%!

An autoresponder offers you the ability to send your sales letter, catalog, price list, press release, brochure, newsletter, job list, technical data, spec sheet, instructions, ordering info, or anything else you would send a prospect, ON DEMAND when they want it.


1. donate cars to charity response to your potential customers' inquiries, which means increased sales.

2. Online reports of clients requesting information.

3. Very cost effective, relative to telephone or faxed information.

4. You can file and fill requests 24 hours a day, even while your on vacation.

5. Instant information on demand and delivered within usually seconds.

6. You have total control over your responder through a password protected web site.

7. You can update your AutoResponder text yourself easily, anytime you wish.

8. Your AutoResponder tracks and logs, "Who and When," relative to information requested and then the AutoResponder will send you a daily log of this information.

9. The ability to "capture" people's email addresses by asking them to send for more info by email while they are visiting your web site.

10. In "Today's Information Age" the name of the game is automatic and fast. Visitors from your site don't want to receive a package of info delivered to their house. They don't even want a brochure. What they want is detailed information delivered to their email boxes right now right there. With an autoresponder, anyone world wide can retrieve their needed information anytime and for free.

Where can you turn to?

Try the following links and web addresses.

This is the one I really like. :-)


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