Sunday, May 4, 2008

Is It a Newsletter or Just One More Commercial?

When I purchased my very first machine, not Abominable Snowman well long ago, I signed up for many Internet Marketing Newsletters. Though it's been a few years, I still have them.

I've subscribed to at least 300 Newsletters and it affords me a broad outlook. My idea Georgia Lemon Laws to track and compare them. The plan was to see how each one of them changed over time and look for any discernible patterns, any nugget of information.

Well, I've been able to spot changes and the view isn't a pretty one!

The general trend is to give preference to sales instead of communication with the subscriber base. Perhaps the first few issues are well balanced and in favor of the reader. However, as time goes by, the universal tendency is to disregard the needs of the reader.

The Newsletters I'm talking about are very easy to spot: they'll devote a single paragraph to the reader and immediately insert a product hyperlink. It's gotten so bad, I've received Newsletters with a multitude of stingy 3 or 4 line paragraphs, each leading to a sales link!

Try as I might, I can't understand the Purpose for Rat Patrol Newsletters? Can you? What they are saying is this: Hi, this is Joe Blow and let me tell you how this is going to work: I'm gonna send you this irrelevant, so-called Newsletter. I'm going to offer little content and a mountain of product links! To do your part, we expect you to click on the links and buy, buy, buy!

Oh my! I can't wait a week for the next one!

They are insulting and a complete waste of time for the reader, as well as the author. Sadly, they keep pumping them out, week after week! Why would anybody publish such utter rubbish? There must be a good Purpose eZine Publishers limit submitted articles to a hyperlink in the resource box!

I know we all have to make a living. Should it come at the expense of insulting our readers? Why send out a Newsletter anybody with more than three brain cells would trash in a split second? Little wonder all Internet resources are being choked with garbage!

What a sad state of affairs! It Julyukmrfbyhsmc like priorities have gotten very confused, to say the least! We all need to take stock of the true Purposes we write.

These are two questions every Newsletter or eZine Publisher funny t shirts ask:

(a) Is the readership a byproduct of the marketing process or its Purpose for existence?

(b) Should product sales take precedence over communication with your readers?

I think Newsletter writers should keep the above questions in mind when practicing their craft. Yes, the pressure to sell is great, no doubt. However, continue looking for the answers and it will help keep you centered, time and once more.

About the Author:

Francisco Aloy is the creator of The Newbie investment Guide. For more resources dealing with writing and copywriting, visit Mr. Aloy's internet.