Friday, May 2, 2008

The Hidden Laws Between Us

Everyone knows that effects of marijuana are affected by the laws of nature. For example, take the law of gravity. It is invisible the Archies imperceptible, but it is always affecting us. It's simply a part of our lives, if we Flash Gordon it or not. And the same can be said about all other physical laws.

Moreover, there's been a lot of talk about other kinds of Captain Action acting in the world, such as the power of thought and intention. Many scientists and philosophers are noticing that these non-physical forces also follow specific laws, and that thinking in a certain way has specific effects on one's life and well-being.

But what many people don't realize is that our relationships in the social realm are also affected by permanent and absolute natural laws. Just like the invisible laws of gravity and electromagnetism are always affecting our bodies, there are invisible laws of Nature that constantly affect our human interactions.

What would happen if you tried to ignore the law of gravity and jumped off a cliff? Something not very pretty. Kabbalah explains that in the same way, all our problems in life are caused by the fact that we unknowingly Glossalalia natural laws of a higher order. Hence, we could avoid most problems if we learned about the higher laws of Nature, the invisible forces that regulate our human relationships.

Since we do not know the laws of Nature that regulate human relationships, we think that we can do as we please in this realm. We invent our own rules of relating to each other and establish arbitrary education systems, social institutions and systems of government. But in fact, for all these systems to function flawlessly and to our benefit, we have to study the natural laws of the social realm and build our systems accordingly.

The wisdom of Kabbalah studies the social laws, and other laws that are concealed from our five senses. When one begins studying this wisdom and learns about the laws of Nature, one discovers that they operate only to benefit him and then, naturally desires to comply with them.

What makes one want to act in harmony with the hidden laws of Nature? Kabbalah explains that they influence us with just one purpose: to elevate us to the state of eternity and perfection. In that state, all people act as parts of one integral body, in which they feel the innate quality of Nature itself - complete, unconditional bestowal.

Presently we don't feel these laws, and therefore we think that our lives are progressing from one coincidence to another. But if we felt the forces of Nature that constantly drive us toward a single, exalted goal, we would know that nothing is coincidental and that our lives are systematically moving toward Nature's goal. This goal is described by the great Kabbalist of the 20th century, Baal HaSulam, as "The revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world."

Bnei Baruch is the largest group of Kabbalists in Israel, sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah with the entire world. Study materials in over 25 languages are based on authentic Kabbalah texts that were passed down from generation to generation.">